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Planning a day trip to fit into your European holidays? Discover Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, just an 80-minute bus ride away from Vienna. Explore must-see tourist sights and attractions, unique culture, and easy to follow travel tips for an unforgettable visit.
While in Vienna, I had a spontaneous idea: why not visit a nearby European city? Bratislava, just an 80-minute bus ride away and small enough to explore in a day, seemed perfect. I quickly booked a return ticket for just £13, ready for a day of discovery! This would be my first time on a Flixbus and the beginning of more journeys with Flixbus.
Things to do in Bratislava
Bratislava Castle/Bratislava hrad
Bratislava Castle Bratislava Castle, is a true gem and a major tourist attraction in Bratislava. Its construction dates to the 9th century, where it was used as a fortress of the Great Moravian Empire. It has since evolved from a fortress to a palace and currently a museum open to tourists. As it's filled with rich Slovak art and heritage, photos are not allowed. While inside, do not miss the chance to take in the incredible views over Bratislava and the Danube River, and maybe even learn a few Slovak words like Ďakujem and ahoj!
Other places I visited include Bratislava Staré Mestro
Bratislava Gallery
Photos from my visit to Bratislava
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